Heat Tolerant Shrubs for Sacramento Gardens.
These plants will also do well in Sunset Zones 7, 8, 9, 14, and 15 (inland Bay Area, SJV, Motherlode).

Botanical Name Common Name
Alyogyne huegelii Blue Hibiscus Santa Cruz' and 'Monterey' are deeper blue.
Arbutos unedo Strawberry Tree Colorful fruit in fall followed by winter bloom.
Brunfelsia pauciflora Yesterday-Today-and-Tommorrow Covered with fragrant spring bloom on arching stems.
Buddlea davidii Butterfly Bush Colorful flowers, popular with hummingbirds.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Barbados Pride
Calliandra sp Fairy Duster
Callistemon* Bottlebrush Little John' is a dwarf form to 3 ft tall.
Calycanthus occidentalis Spice Bush Dark maroon flowers summer, needs water, native.
Carpenteria californica Carpenteria White flowers spring and early summer, best on north or east wall, native.
Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Spectacular display of magenta flowers in spring.
Cistus sp Rockrose White-purple spring flowers, mounding shrub.
Citrus sp Oranges, Lemons, etc Citrus Fruit, spring fragrance, attracts hummingbirds.
Escallonia sp Escallonia
Euryops pectinatus Euryops Very adaptable, yellow daisylike flowers.
Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava
Galvezia speciosa Island Bush Snapdragon Firecracker' is a compact form
Grevillea* Grevillea Takes reflected heat, little summer water.
Grewia occidentalis* Lavender Starflower Fast growing, takes reflected heat on south wall
Helianthemum nummularium Sunrose Related to Rockrose, good groundcover.
Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Red berries around Christmas. Native to Sacramento.
Hibiscus syriacus Rose of Sharon Best Hibiscus for hottest areas.
Justica californica California Beloperone
Kunzea baxter Scarlet Kunzea
Lagerstroemia indica* Crape Myrtle Good for shading hot walls. Available as a shrub or tree. Many colours.
Lantana sp* Lantana Easy to grow, colorful groundcover or shrub for hottest locations.
Lupinus albifrons* Silver Bush Lupine Shrubby Lupine common is Sierra Foothills. Also grows along the American River Parkway.
Mahonia aquifolium Oregon Grape Best with afternoon shade but does well in hot parking lot strips. Good along walls/foundations.
Melaleuca nesophila Pink Melaleuca
Myrtus communis True Myrtle
Nerium Oleander* Oleander Good screen, thrives on neglect.
Philadelphus lewisii Mock Orange
Photinia sp Photinia Tough, fast grower.
Pittosporum sp* Pittosporum 'Nana' is a dwarf form to 3 ft tall.
Plumbago auriculata* 'Royal Cape' Looks fresh all summer. Sky-blue flowers.
Potentilla fruticosa Shrubby Cinquifoil
Punica granatum* Pomegranate
Rhamnus sp Coffeeberry Native to the bluffs along the American River, needs little summer water.
Rhaphiolepsis sp India Hawthorne
Ribes malvaceum Chaparral Currant Best in part shade.
Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy
Rosa sp* Rose
Ruellia californica Ruellia
Salvia sp Salvia, Sage Many varieties available.
Spirea sp Spirea
Tecrium cossonii Germander
Tecrium sp Germander